The committee often get many emails from plot holders and to speed up the process of getting you the answer you are looking for we have created this page to hopefully answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
Obviously if your question hasn't been answered here then please don’t hesitate to contact the committee via our email address ash_road_allotment@aol.co.uk
More detailed info can be found in our ‘Rules and Regulations’ or ‘Welcome to Ash Rd Allotments’ booklet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who are the Committee members?
A: Their names and plot numbers are posted in the ‘Welcome to Ash Rd Allotments’ booklet.
Q: Am I allowed a structure (greenhouse,shed,polytunnel on my plot)?
A: Yes but permission must be approved by email from the committee BEFORE erecting it. You must comply with specific size dimensions dependant on size of your plot.
Q: What is for sale from The Hut?
A: There is a list items for sale on the side of the hut plus here on the website.
Q: Is it OK to have bonfires on site?
A: Yes, as long as they don’t cause a nuisance to other allotmenteers or neighbours. Only burn dry material (no plastic!) and make sure the fire is out before you leave. Between May and Oct, fires are allowed from 5.00pm.
Q: How do I get rid of rubbish on my plot?
A: Every plot should have a place for making compost. Compost all plant material. We try to provide a skip twice a year for non- compostable rubbish, please remove and take everything else from the site and dispose of responsibly.
Q: Can I bring children on to my plot? What about guests?
A: They are welcome as long as they are accompanied by a member. Don’t allow them to walk on other people’s plots or to pick produce from other plots. Children MUST be supervised at all times.
Q: I am struggling to manage my plot or my circumstances have changed, what do I do ?
A: email the committee in the first instance and we can then advise you from there on what actions can be taken.